Peter Minuit Chapter, NSDAR
New York, New York
founded in 1969
Spreading our Sparkle for over 50 years in service to God, Home and Country

The Peter Minuit Chapter, NSDAR, is part of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR). The DAR is a not-for-profit, apolitical women's organization focusing on promoting historic preservation, education and patriotism. DAR membership offers us a unique chance to learn about the rich American history in the greater New York City area, give back to our local community, and hone our leadership skills within our chapter and at the state and national levels, all while networking and building friendships.

Members are involved as much or as little as their time affords, and we enjoy the mix of new and familiar faces at our meetings and activities. Our chapter meets virtually and in-person one evening a month and in-person activities throughout the year to accommodate our diverse membership. For more details, please CONTACT US HERE!